A Successful Ingress in the Sustainability Business Sphere.

About the Company

Brij Designs specializes in providing global services and is one of the foremost apparel manufacturing companies, with trend-setting designs and the ability to take over large production orders.

Due to its operations & manufacturing process, the company falls under various ESG protocols mandates which have come under stringent Trading Policies in many countries. 

Carbon Sustainability
Culture Sustainability

The Problem Statement

Brij Designs has high export indices in Europe, which meant an over-the-top business and margin risk from recently transformed EU Import & Buyer regulations for mandatory carbon disclosure. 

Additionally, the company also faced low visibility & lack of differentiators in the emerging export market spaces, plus the operational inefficiencies in the manufacturing supply chain.

Onlygood’s Intervention & Solutions

First, Onlygood aided the client in onboarding legacy carbon emissions data for energy, vehicle, water usage, and waste dispensation. After rigorous analysis &  efficient research metrics, within 2 weeks we were able to release the firm’s Carbon Dashboard (on-demand & shareable with EU buyers and India suppliers/vendors) and Analytics with the component of shareability & enhanced transparency.

The Carbon Dashboard, a Comprehensive Sustainability Report & regular dialogue with the Client’s team helped us establish a consolidated Carbon Footprint Report & Risk Analytics for the enterprise which helped us set-up an efficient & holistic data competency for data-based ESG Compliance for the company.

Compliance Sustainabilty
Culture Sustainability

So, What Changed?

Cost reduction: Brij Designs reduced Operational Costs by 10%, in 6 months!
This was possible due to exact hotspot identification.

Revenue improvement: Brij could confidently talk and share its sustainability journey and has been able to book additional sales orders and is all set to grow business by 25% in the coming year.

The Journey Ahead: The company is all set to get globally accredited Carbon certification ISO14064 at the end of year 1 and is ready to create a unique ‘green network’ of its suppliers & supply chain partners. It plans to embark on a journey of carbon neutrality and build a new and green business.

A success story in its own right, this was made possible by a collaboration between our Unique Tech and Our Client’s Transformed Focus.


“Onlygood has made us super-confident in our business endeavors. It has given us the impetus and thrust required to be ahead on the Sustainability Curve. We are now better prepared and can share data in minutes! This is Science at its best. We now aim for carbon neutrality and building a green business.”

Kshitij Rohatgi

Founder, Brij Designs

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