
Sustainable Business

How To Become A Successful Sustainable Business In 2022?

If you are starting a business in 2022, sustainability is your goto in the core of your business strategy. If you are already a player in the industry, then make sustainability as your goto business strategy.

Sustainability: The new-age sine qua non
Sustainability: The new-age sine qua non

What is sustainability?

Well, sustainability means many things to many people. It can start from something as basic as removing a polythene bag from the street to engaging with a cleaning drive at the hills! But what exactly does it entail?

Sustainability means an efficient allocation of resources that nature & human endeavours provide us with which ensures equity for the present and the future generations. Here in this article, we are specifically talking about sustainability-spans in the business spheres cross-tabbed with climate & environment concerns. 

Plus, it is now an imperative domain of thinking, developing & instigating a business strategy. We all have one planet and one plan- to live and breathe on it!

Educate yourself & your team, Engineer environmental friendly mechanisms at workspaces, Employ organisations & methods of carbon reduction

So, if you are a business trying to understand how to inculcate a sustainable approach of business thinking, structuration & execution- start with these simple steps.


Analyse your current utility & production process

If you are a budding/budded business then you must have access to official transcripts for various data points. To begin with, for environmental concerns look up the amount of energy used in office, warehouse, production spaces and other plots linked to your business. Additionally, check upon the pollution levels, effects on soil (if your production process depends on elimination of wastage on grounds) and other impacts that conjoin with your industry. You must at all cost prioritise environmental data & build an educated team to ensure quality in lieu of a sustainable business approach like inculcating a power saving approach in the office, tree plantation drives, environment related data discussions & other forms of internal communication.

Educate your team with: data discussions, environmentally charged workshops to initiate a positive low emission culture
Educate your team with: data discussions, environmentally charged workshops to initiate a positive low emission culture

Organizations that endeavour to reach a state of sustainable operations will need to understand their environmental impact across their entire value chain..”- Srini Pallia, CEO for Americas at Wipro


Set budgets for environmental checks, ensure Social Responsibility 

In-house sustainable approaches are a must for all organisations in the go, but aiding spaces that work for the benefits of climate change and assure inculcation of a carbon-free environment.

Investment in Sustainability is the new hallmark to success. 

There are two ways to understand & organise this:

  • Allocation of resources for encouraging a carbon free environment in-house. Spending on carbon checks, carbon monitoring, buying & investing in carbon offsets and consulting with companies that render a carbon conscious, carbon assessment & carbon certification for your benefit should be on your primary agenda list.
OnlyGood offers a one stop solution for carbon assessment, carbon goal tracking & carbon certification
OnlyGood offers a one stop solution for carbon assessment, carbon goal tracking & carbon certification
  • Ensuring corporate social responsibility by investing in companies that work towards a carbon free environment. There are many NGOs & governmental groups in India that work & study about climate Action, run campaigns about environmental awareness & action front. To name a few, TERI, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Studies & Development, Indian Environmental Society etc.- These organisations often conduct studies and surveys to advance work specifically related to creating a healthy environment and reducing pollution in general. Follow them closely, invest in local NGOs that work especially in the carbon front & in reduction of carbon emissions. Other international organisations like Climate Reality project, Alliance to Save Energy, 1% for the planet are some organisations that are doing a commendable job towards betterment of the environment.
Sustainability approach is the new drift and there is no escaping it.
Sustainability approach is the new drift and there is no escaping it.


Do your own bit for the environment- Act smartly & sustainably

At the micro-level we must all initiate a positive carbon culture. At an individual level, keeping a check on how much carbon emissions are rendered by our actions is one way to initiate this. In the office spaces, keeping a check on power usage, adopting renewable sources of energy for power generation, hosting meetings and events are some ways to tackle carbon emission concerns and are some ways to start acting today.

A virtual meeting setup helps you- reduce cost, reduce carbon footprint, and reduce people's absence.
A virtual meeting setup helps you- reduce cost, reduce carbon footprint, and reduce people’s absence.

CoVid 19 has taught us vehemently that offices can run from remote spaces if carefully managed and organised. Why not keep it up & keep remote work trending! It benefits the environment, saves you a lot of money & ensures attendance much better than in-office segments.

The first step in becoming a sustainability leader is to initiate a change in the thinking process of self and of the team. The mantra of Educate, Engineer & Employ in the services for the environment will take you a long way especially in the new age. So what are you waiting for, become a sustainability leader in 2022 and enhance an example!


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May 30, 2023

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October 25, 2023

Glad we could help you out!

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